Why should I join the Mission Hills Cardinal Alliance Marching Band?
You receive PE Credits (Required for Graduation)
You receive Fine Art Credits (Required for Graduation)
You accumulate Community Service Hours (Required for College)
You will become good at a team "competitive sport"
You get to play Great Music!
You will have a ton of FUN!
You will become "high school experienced" and be a part of a cohesive group before the first day of school - makes the transition to high school easier
You will get in shape!
You will have something to put on college applications for extra-curricular activity.
You will have an opportunity for a leadership position.
You become part of the MHHS Music Family
You get to travel throughout Southern California and beyond!!!
Time Commitment for Marching Band
The Cardinal Alliance performs at home football games on Friday evenings and 5-7 Saturday band competitions with the season-ending the week before Thanksgiving. In December the band performs in the San Marcos Holiday parade on the first Sunday in December.​ Please keep Saturdays available from September through November. Students are also required to participate in a two week-long Band Camp two weeks prior to the beginning of the school year.

Band Camp
Band Camp is mandatory for all marching band students. Please be on time or early each day.
What to Wear and Bring to Band Camp
Wear loose-fitting white t-shirt, athletic shorts (wear your section colors), baseball-style cap (no LA or SD logos), running shoes with socks.
Large water bottle (1/2 gallon insulated water jug recommended)
Sunscreen & lip balm. (Chopsaver recommended)
Dot-book (Ultimate Dot Book order form coming soon)
8 1/2" x 11" binder and clear plastic sheets for sheet music
Any prescription medication
Completed Athletic Physical forms
and of course, don't forget to bring your instrument.
2018 Field show
2017 Field show
This Too Will Be Swept Away
2016 Field show
Postcards from Japan
As If On Wings
Football Games
“The Cardinal Alliance” Marching Band and Color Guard performs at all League Home Games for the MHHS Varsity Football Team and occasionally some away games as instructed by the Director. Kickoff is usually at 7:00pm. We will meet at the MHHS band room to prepare at 5:00pm. We will take buses to and from the games as necessary. Normally games end around 9:00pm Please be sure to pick-up your student promptly. Attendance is mandatory to ALL band performances and events.

Football Game Procedure
Arrive at band room with long hair up and dressed in "blacks", long black socks, gloves & marching shoes @5:00pm call-time (on time is 5 minutes early).
Get uniform - You will not be able to participate at the game if you are missing part of your uniform.
Fold up jacket in "package" style, hold on to shako, and get plume.
Be in warm-up arch in the Amphitheater at 6:00pm. Place jacket and shako on the ground in front of you and slightly to the right.
"Two-it-up" at 6:45, and step off to drum cadence.
During the Game in The Stands:
Sit with your section in the stands with your section.
Do NOT eat in uniform or in the stands.
You may go to the restroom with a buddy with the permission of your section leader.
REMOVE your jacket when you leave
Play every note! It's what we're here for!
Half of the section may take a break at the beginning of 3rd quarter. The other half may take a break at beginning of 4th quarter. Again REMOVE your jacket.
If you leave at the beginning of 3rd quarter, WATCH the clock. Be back in your seat before 4th quarter (there are 12:00 minute quarters)
WASH your mouth out before you play your instrument! GROSS!
At the end of the game
"Two-it-up" at the top of the stands in front of the Pavilion facing the band room.
Step off to drum cadence.
Arrive at band room, and CLEAN the band room.
You may not leave until the band room has been cleared of inspection by Mr. Tramm

The Cardinal Alliance competes in 5-6 SCSBOA or WBA tournaments during the season. These tournaments are usually held at San Diego county high schools and occasionally other Southern California high schools and colleges such as Riverside and Chino Hills.